Fixing Sediment Phosphorus

Fixing Sediment Phosphorus

Fixing Sediment Phosphorus 3 Important Factors to Consider When Addressing Internal Phosphorus Loading in Lakes   By Patrick Goodwin, M.S., CLM Figure 1. Modified illustration of phosphorus loading from Gibbs & Hickey 2018 Internal phosphorus (P) loading from...
Cyanobacteria 101

Cyanobacteria 101

Cyanobacteria 101: Solving A Dangerous Problem Toxins, Classification, Dominance, Key Thresholds, and Solutions for Lake Managers By Patrick Goodwin, M.S., CLM The final and ultimate stage of eutrophication is when cyanobacteria dominance becomes permanent in a lake....
Golden Algae: The Hidden Fish Killer

Golden Algae: The Hidden Fish Killer

Golden Algae, The Hidden Fish Killer Prymnesium parvum is responsible for many fish deaths, but there are solutions. By Patrick Goodwin, M.S., CLM The toxic golden algae Prymnesium parvum has been documented and implicated in numerous large-scale fish kills worldwide,...
All Things Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs)

All Things Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs)

What constitutes a Harmful Algae Bloom (HAB) Any concentration of algae that causes impacts to an aquatic system that can be documented as hazardous to human or ecological health. Algae is a broad term, and includes cyanobacteria, members of the chlorophyta (greens),...