CattZilla is a biocatalyst that was designed to aid in treatments of cattails.  CattZilla enhances the penetration and efficiency of herbicides and speeds the breakdown of dead stalks and shoots from the inside out. CattZilla aids chemical treatments and will not kill anything alone.  When applied in mid- to late summer when the cattails are fully developed, use of CattZilla combined with an aquatic herbicide will promote a rapid collapse of the plant and continued degradation of the dead plant material.

Cattails are supported by a rigid cellular framework that allows them to grow up to 20 feet tall and withstand both wind and gravity. This cellular framework is made of complex proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and minerals. In early spring, carbohydrates stored in the rhizomes are converted to energy for shoot growth. In addition, Cattails have a well-developed aerenchyma that allows for gas to exchange aerobically from the leaves to the roots. Even standing dead cattails will support this gas exchange and contribute to new growth.
When cattails are green and in full bloom, excess carbohydrates are returned through the rhizomes to the root system for storage. Herbicide applications (glyphosate, imazapyr, imazamox) are used at this time until the first frost to get the most benefit of this translocation process. CattZilla works synergistically with the aquatic herbicide to speed penetration and enhance the degradation of the cattail’s dead cellular framework. When the supporting framework weakens, the dead cattails will fall and disrupt the gas exchange through the aerenchyma. After the cattails fall, CattZilla promotes continued degradation of the stalks and rhizomes.
If you don’t have CattZilla in your tank mix, you’re working too hard.

Natural Lake Biosciences aims to develop pioneering biosciences to make safer water and better lives. Our team of scientists at our laboratory in the University of Wisconsin Research Park study microbial communities in aquatic ecosystems and their interactions with algae and aquatic plants. Their work ultimately leads to new innovations that augment existing technologies to make treatments easier and more effective.