Natural Lake Biosciences Pond Rx
Applicators can kill pretty much any aquatic plant.
Cleaning it up and slowing its return is the challenge.
Working with applicators we have developed safe solutions for:
Leaves, debris, and pollen
Tank Mix PondZilla Pro
Apply MD Pellets
Repeat until dissolved
Ensure adequate aeration
Tank mix AquaSticker + algaecide *
Follow with Water Column Clarifier or MD Pellets
Tank mix AquaSticker + aquatic herbicide
Follow with MD Pellets
Tank mix PondZilla Pro + chelated copper
Follow with preferred probiotic
Water lilies
Tank mix AquaSticker + aquatic herbicide
* When using a peroxide based algaecide, apply algaecide initially and follow the application with AquaSticker. Do not mix together in the same tank.
** It is recommended to only treat the Euglena when it is green in color.
** It is recommended to only treat the Euglena when it is green in color.

Table of Treatments
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