
(2 customer reviews)

CattZilla is a pioneering adjuvant that uses biochemistry to aid the treatment of cattails, bulrush, and similar plants. CattZilla enhances the penetration and efficiency of herbicides and speeds the breakdown of dead stalks and shoots from the inside out. CattZilla aids chemical treatments and will not kill anything alone.
When applied in mid to late summer when the cattails are fully developed, use of Cattzilla combined with an aquatic herbicide will promote a rapid collapse of the plant and continued degradation of the dead plant material.

NOTE: CattZilla DOES NOT kill aquatic plants or algae


Cattails are supported by a rigid cellular framework that allows them to grow up to 20 feet tall and withstand both wind and gravity. This cellular framework is made of complex proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and minerals. In early spring, carbohydrates stored in the rhizomes are converted to energy for shoot growth. In addition, Cattails have a well-developed aerenchyma that allows for gas to exchange aerobically from the leaves to the roots. Even standing dead cattails will support this gas exchange and contribute to new growth.
When cattails are green and in full bloom, excess carbohydrates are returned through the rhizomes to the root system for storage. Herbicide applications (glyphosate, imazapyr, imazamox) are used at this time until the first frost to get the most benefit of this translocation process. CattZilla works synergistically with the aquatic herbicide to speed penetration and enhance the degradation of the cattail’s dead cellular framework. When the supporting framework weakens, the dead cattails will fall and disrupt the gas exchange through the aerenchyma. After the cattails fall, Cattzilla promotes continued degradation of the stalks and rhizomes.

The CattZilla moleculeCattZilla molecule

This image depicts the fatty acid that is one component of CattZilla: the water-soluble head (green) and oil soluble tail (orange). Each part responds to a separate substrate, allowing a more complete penetration.

NOTE: CattZilla DOES NOT kill aquatic plants or algae

Dosage Rates

When mixed with herbicide:

Herbicide Solution CattZilla
1 gallon 16 ounces
2 gallons 24 – 32 ounces
5 gallons 60 – 80 ounces
50 gallons 3 – 6 gallons
100 gallons 6 – 10 gallons
Treatment Area CattZilla
1000 sq feet 12 – 16 ounces
2000 sq feet 24 – 32 ounces
0.5 acre 2 – 3 gallons
1 acre 4 – 6 gallons
2 acre 8 – 12 gallons

*Mix directly with herbicide and follow herbicide rate and instructions.
**Do not mix directly with peroxide based algaecides.

Common Uses

  • Lakes and ponds
  • Rivers and streams
  • Wetlands
  • Canals
  • Golf courses
  • Retention ponds
  • Stormwater basins
  • And more!


  • Used as an adjuvant
  • Speeds chemical reactions
  • Collapses dead cattails
  • Amplifies natural decomposition
  • Safe for the environment and applicator

Available Sizes

  • 1 gallon bottle
  • 2.5 gallon jug
  • 55 gallon drum
  • 275 gallon tote

Ingredients Catalysts and other non-hazardous, proprietary ingredients
Description Liquid
Odor Fermentation
pH 4.0 – 5.0
Stability – Activity loss At 75 degrees F for 12 months*: 10% or less; At 100 degrees F for 6 months*: 10% or less; *When stored as directed in a sealed container out of direct sunlight.
Storage and Handling Store in a cool, dry space between 50-80 degrees F. Keep out of direct sunlight and do not store with strong oxidizing agents.
LOCATION: South Carolina
SIZE: Unknown
TARGET: Cattails

SUMMARY: A residential stormwater pond was experiencing a severe cattail infestation. The infestation angered the residents and was preventing the pond from functioning as it should.

SOLUTION: Applied CattZilla in conjunction with an herbicide and surfactants, then used PondZilla Pro to treat remaining growth and degrade dead biomass. Additionally, add Natures Blend to the open water to reduce the soluble nutrients released by the cattails.

RESULTS: The treatment plan was successful and the stormwater pond is functioning as designed. Additionally, it is now an aesthetically pleasing stormwater pond for the homeowners who reside along its waterfront.

Full Lake Doctors 2020 Case Study

SIZE:.25 Acre
TARGET: Pond Lily

SUMMARY: A small ornamental pond had a series of established lily beds that were disrupting function and deteriorating aesthetics. The property stakeholders wanted to restore balance to the by removing the lily beds.

SOLUTION: Integrate CattZilla into an herbicide treatment program to improve treatment efficiency and reduce the dead pond lily biomass.

RESULTS: The treatment was successful and CattZilla reduced the pond lily infestation, saved the surrounding property time and money.

Full Pond Lily Management 2019 Case Study

SIZE: ~1 Acre
TARGET: Cattails

SUMMARY: A small stormwater pond was experiencing cattail infestations. The property owners in charge of the stormwater pond did not want to destroy the surround area by using traditional cattail removal methods.

SOLUTION: Integrate CattZilla into an herbicide treatment program to improve treatment efficiency and reduce the dead cattail biomass.

RESULTS: The treatment was successful and CattZilla reduced the cattail infestation, saved the surrounding property and money.

Full Aquatic Plus 2018 Case Study

LOCATION: Louisiana
SIZE: 1.5 Acres
TARGET: Cattails

SUMMARY: A Louisiana sugar refinery was experiencing a large stand of rapidly growing cattails.

SOLUTION: Glyphosate and Imazapyr with a surfactant were used to control the cattails. Catzilla was added at a standard rate to speed decomposition.

RESULTS: After three weeks the areas treated around the perimeter were devastated, with full kill and lots of stalks breaking stalks falling over. The kill was not temporary and the effect was substantial reduction of the cattail coverage over the treatment area.

Full Louisiana Pond Management 2017 Case Study

The Natural Lake Biosciences Research & Case History Rewards Program is an annual contest created to allow lake managers to show off all the great work they do with Natural Lake Biosciences products. Follow the links below to learn more about the program, how to enter, and what constitutes a winning case study.

Commonly treated aquatic plants:

  • Cattails
  • Bulrush
  • Giant Reed

2 reviews for CattZilla

  1. Anthony O. (FL)

    Just used CattZilla for the first time. The breakdown was much quicker and the results were great!

  2. Andrew M. (FL)

    Catzilla works really well. From small stands to large stands of cattails when this product is added to your herbicides it helps to knock the cattails down faster as well as speed up the breakdown process so you don’t have to look at the dead plants as long.

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