
(5 customer reviews)
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MuckBiotics are a next generation probiotic tablet for restoration and maintenance of impaired water resources. This advanced probiotic combines scientific research with novel bioengineering, resulting in a product that treats the entire water body by starting at the bottom. MuckBiotics tablets saturate the sediment layer with rare earth stimulants and a broad spectrum of natural bacterial cultures. This establishes a healthy microbiota at the water-to-sediment interface that accelerates the digestion of organic matter. The microbiota functions as a biofilter, reducing harmful nutrient loading from both internal and external sources. MuckBiotics will promote improved water quality and clarity in water bodies experiencing decline.

The tablets are applied by broadcasting the tablets evenly over the surface of the targeted area. They sink to the bottom and rapidly populate the aquatic environment in which they are applied. MuckBiotics should be applied across the entire surface of a water body for best results. They also excel at targeting shorelines, coves, or similar specific areas prone rapid accumulation of organic matter.

NOTE: MuckBiotics DO NOT kill aquatic plants or algae


Backed by years of intensive study. MuckBiotics have been proven to reduce organic matter and key nutrients in muck through a study using a lab setup that more closely mimics real life water bodies than any previous study. Read the full study or learn more about the details below.

Laboratory Evaluation

in Freshwater Replica Tanks

  • Complete metagenomic DNA analysis of sediment microbiota using the Illumina NovaSeq6000
  • Sediment volume and quantitative analysis of control and test tanks
  • Full sediment nutrient and water quality assessment
  • Testing tanks designed to mimic real water conditions, such as natural water movement and clay/sand layer





MuckBiotics Research Paper


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Dosage Rates

Once per month or as needed.

Surface Acres Targeted Muck Reduction Muck Maintenance & Prevention Degradation of Floating Debris
1/4 5 – 12.5 pounds 2.5 – 6.25 pounds 1.25 – 3.75 pounds
1/2 10 – 25 pounds 5 – 12.5 pounds 2.5 – 7.5 pounds
1 20 – 50 pounds 10 – 25 pounds 5 – 15 pounds
5 100 – 250 pounds 20 – 125 pounds 20 – 75 pounds
10 200 – 500 pounds 100 – 250 pounds 50 – 150 pounds
100 2000 – 5000 pounds 1000 – 2500 pounds 500 – 1500 pounds

*Do not mix directly with algaecides or herbicides.
**If used in conjunction with algaecide or herbicide, apply MD Pellets after chemical treatment for best results.

Common Uses

  • Lakes and ponds
  • Aquaculture
  • Shorelines
  • Golf courses
  • Retention ponds
  • Decorative Ponds
  • And more!


  • Removes buildup of organic matter
  • Improves water quality and clarity
  • Restores balance to water bodies
  • Reduces internal nutrient load

Available Sizes

  • 30 pound bag

Ingredients Bio-vitamins, probiotics, and select bacterial cultures
Description Dry brown tablet
Odor Earthy odor
Stability – Activity loss <1% Loss in 6 months when stored as directed: at 75 degrees F in a sealed container with low humidity.
Storage and Handling Store in a cool, dry space between 50-80 degrees F.
SIZE: 5-acre section of lake
TARGET: Organic sediment/muck

SUMMARY:The goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of MuckBiotics pellets in reducing the organic substrate of a Northwest Ohio lake.

SOLUTION:Treatment rates of pellets were 420 lbs on 6/29/22 followed by 330 lbs on 7/28/22 for a total of 750 lbs.

RESULTS: Sediment depth decreased after the use of MuckBiotics pellets from 26580 yds 3 to 21309 yds 3

Full AQUA DOC 2022 Case Study

LOCATION: Wisconsin
SIZE: 48-acre lake
TARGET: Organic sediment/muck

SUMMARY:MuckBiotics tablets were evenly applied to a lake in northern Wisconsin to help reduce the muck. The sediment was high in organics and these organics were throughout the majority of the lake. A muck survey was conducted at 26 locations prior to each treatment.

SOLUTION:MuckBiotics Tablets were applied in September 2020, June, July, August, and September of 2021. 1800 pounds of Muck Biotic Tablets were applied during the initial application in September of 2020 and 1500 pounds each application in 2021.

RESULTS: There was a total average of 8.663 inches of reduction of muck throughout the lake after 5 treatments of MuckBiotics.

Full Aquatic Biologists 2022 Case Study

SIZE: 13-acre lake
TARGET: Planktonic.Cyanobacteria

SUMMARY: A 13-acre lake with over 400 acres of farm field runoff was having extreme Planktonic/Cyanobacteria outbreaks throughout the entire lake. Normal treatments with just chelated copper were not enough. Every heavy rain would cause a spike in nutrient levels, on top of already high levels of Phosphates and Nitrates.

SOLUTION: Nature’s Blend at 3 lbs. per acre; MuckBiotics at 12 lbs. per acre.

RESULTS: Using Nature’s Blend, we were able to reduce nutrient levels in the lake by more than half. We saw better response to chemical treatment on the Planktonic/Cyanobacteria and water clarity improvement. Treatments of Nature’s Blend will continue during the warmer months and rotating to Polar Blend during the cooler months for continued year-long nutrient control. Without these products the Planktonic/ Cyanobacteria would continue to be an uncontrollable nuisance.

Full Lake Doctors 2021 Case Study

LOCATION: Wisconsin
SIZE: 0.80-acre private pond

SUMMARY: . Water runoff from surrounding fertilized lawns and lack of riparian buffers causes heavy nutrient accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus. This nutrient overloading causes prolific pithophora algal blooms during the growing season.

SOLUTION: Muckbiotics was applied evenly within the southern lobe, the key area of this study.

RESULTS: Our three test sites within the target area resulted in an average muck depth reduction of 4.5 inches in five months. Muck depth at these three sites gradually decreased beginning with the initial application of Muckbiotics in May.

Full Lake and Pond Solutions 2021 Case Study

SIZE: Pond 1: 8.20 surface acres, Pond 2: 1.22 surface acres, Pond 3: 5.00 surface acres

SUMMARY: Residential retention ponds with high levels of muck due to multiple years of contact runoff have accumulated critical levels of muck, algae, and nuisance vegetation growth.

SOLUTION: Applied 410lbs of MuckBiotics distributed evenly between all three ponds in targeted areas.

RESULTS: The tested locations saw a reduction in growth as follows, Pond 1: 60% reduction in max growth, Pond 2: 30% percent reduction in max growth, and Pond 3: 80% reduction in max growth.

Full AQUA DOC 2021 Case Study

SIZE: Unknown

SUMMARY: Stormwater systems were suffering from organic muck build-up due to fertilizer runoff.

SOLUTION: Applied 50lbs of MuckBiotics per surface acre to reduce the depth of muck layer, treated locations also used surface aeration.

RESULTS: The tested locations saw a reduction in the depth of their muck layer by at least 10 inches over the course of just one treatment season.

Full Lake and Wetland Management 2020 Case Study

LOCATION: North Carolina
SIZE: Unknown
TARGET: Alligator weed, torpedograss, primrose-willow, muck

SUMMARY: A stormwater pond had a severe vegetation/muck mat making it difficult to ascertain a pond was even there. There little to no storage capacity and the pond was unable to function as designed.

SOLUTION: A four part treatment was used each 30 days apart. Treatment 1: AquaSticker + herbicide, Treatment 2: AquaSticker + herbicide +PondZilla Pro, Treatment 3: PondZilla Pro + Nature’s Blend at 3 lb/acre + MuckBiotics at 40 lb/acre, Treatment 4: PondZilla Pro + MuckBiotics at 40 lb/acre.

RESULTS: With the four-part treatment they saw an increase in storage volume, the storage pond was able to properly function, and they saw cost savings.

Full Lake Doctors 2020 Case Study

LOCATION: Illinois
SIZE: 1.09 acres
TARGET: Odor, Aquatic plants

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SUMMARY: A pond in a residential community was experiences odor issues and excessive plant growth deterring the public from coming to the area.

SOLUTION: Apply MuckBiotics to reduce muck accumulation.

RESULTS: Overall muck depth was reduced by 16%, plant growth was down dramatically, and a significant change in muck composition was seen. The muck showed a change from a firm packed composition to a much looser density.

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Full McCloud Aquatics 2020 Case Study

The Natural Lake Biosciences Research & Case History Rewards Program is an annual contest created to allow lake managers to show off all the great work they do with Natural Lake Biosciences products. Follow the links below to learn more about the program, how to enter, and what constitutes a winning case study.

Include in treatment programs for:

  • Filamentous Algae
  • Planktonic Algae
  • Cyanobacteria
  • Muck & Sludge
  • Water Clarity
  • Nutrient Reduction
  • Aquatic Plants
  • Submerged Plants
  • Unique Issues

5 reviews for MuckBiotics

  1. Megan S. (OH)

    Amazing results. Reduces muck quickly and easy to apply

  2. Eli Kersh

    I am a professional lake manager and I use this product for all my clients. I regularly receive texts expressing excitement about the water clarity and reductions in algae!

  3. Ashley S. (SC)

    Strong products, fast delivery.

  4. Ryan R. (FL)

    This product is amazing! I’ve been using it at accounts for years and the results are impressive. This product has turned nasty muddy bottoms into clear and sandy bottoms. Would highly recommend.

  5. Michael S. (FL)

    Product the works great.

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