2020 Highlights

2020 Highlights

Natural Lake Biosciences had a great year, and we couldn’t have done it without our amazing customers, team, and members of the lake community. 2020 has thrown some curveballs; dealing with COVID-19, we want to share how proud we are to be part of an essential...
An In Between Treatment Solution

An In Between Treatment Solution

MicrobeBooster is an advanced slow-release probiotic designed to stimulate the natural microbial community and support Natural Lake Biosciences’ other probiotic solutions between treatments. Each MicrobeBooster is packed with a proprietary blend of bacterial cultures,...
Cattails: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Cattails: Work Smarter, Not Harder

CattZilla is a biocatalyst that was designed to aid in treatments of cattails.  CattZilla enhances the penetration and efficiency of herbicides and speeds the breakdown of dead stalks and shoots from the inside out. CattZilla aids chemical treatments and will not kill...
Probiotics vs Biocatalysts

Probiotics vs Biocatalysts

Picking the right product for the right application can be confusing. There is no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to treating lakes and ponds. The many solutions can be even more confusing when treatments include all natural or biological products. These...
Reducing Glyphosate Use

Reducing Glyphosate Use

Glyphosate has had a turbulent history. Monsanto first introduced the broad-spectrum herbicide in the 1970’s. It quickly became one of the most widely used chemical compounds in the world because of its ability to kill virtually all plants it encountered. With the...